The FreeStyle Libre 2 system is covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs for those who qualify1. Please contact your physician as a prescription is required for FreeStyle Libre 2 readers and sensors. Your physician may also be able to provide more information on accessing the FreeStyle Libre 2 day system using any applicable benefits & eligibility criteria.
Prescription Requirements1,2:
• Veteran requires intensive insulin treatment, 3 or more times a day, or insulin pump to achieve desired glycemic control
• Veteran has been using a blood glucose monitor (BGM) and is a frequent tester (4 or more times a day)
• Veteran agrees to ongoing medical appointments every 6 months (or more frequently as clinician recommended) Must also meet 1 Clinical Criteria1:
• Hypoglycemia
• Inability to meet desired control despite adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen
• Inability to perform self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) by fingerstick due to disease or disability that is supported by appropriate medical record documentation
• Job-related activities in which hypoglycemic events can result in injury
• Pre-conception planning/pregnancy
Abbott provides this information as a courtesy, it is subject to change and interpretation. The customer is ultimately responsible for determining the appropriate codes, coverage, and payment policies for individual patients. Abbott does not guarantee third party coverage or payment for our products or reimburse customers for claims that are denied by third party payors.
1 Data on file. Abbott Diabetes Care.
2 (Accessed April 3, 2023).